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Libra, Your June Horoscope Is Paving the Way For an Exciting Career Breakthrough

You're on your way up.
StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

The sun is in fellow intellectual air sign Gemini, so it’s no wonder your Libra horoscope for June 2023 is opening you up to new experiences, information and adventure. This is a big month for connecting with your goals and the people who you can help you achieve them.

Gemini season has you thinking big-picture—you’re more interested in chasing rainbows and dreaming of long term goals rather than nailing down the minutiae of your plans. But the zesty full moon in Sagittarius on June 3 draws your attention to the present moment, reminding you of all the magic you have right in front of you. Clear space in your head, heart and daily life so that your greater aspirations have plenty of room to take flight.

Come June 5, your cosmic ruler Venus enters your community-oriented eleventh house, kicking off an exciting and social vibe for summer ahead. With sweet Venus bringing harmony to your friendships and future plans, you’ll be primed for making new connections and finding a crew that’s supportive of your values, visions and creativity.

When quick-thinking Mercury joins the sun in your ninth house of knowledge on June 11, your mind turns into a total sponge and you’re ready to absorb all the life experience you can. The next couple weeks are a fabulous time to explore a new interest or do something to expand your repertoire of skills—whether that’s signing up for a class or grabbing coffee with a mentor. Crystallize this momentum into a concrete intention under the new moon on June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET). Your ruler Venus will be vibing with Mercury alongside this lunation, sweetening up your visions of the future and bringing important connections into your orbit. Take advantage of the magic!

StyleCaster | Weekly Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign
Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Finally, Cancer season kicks off on June 21—the same day as the summer solstice—and this transit brings heat and energy into your career sector. You’ll be even more focused on professional endeavors once Mercury follows the sun into your public-facing tenth house on June 26, making it an ideal time for networking, plotting out a more aligned career trajectory or coming up with new ideas at work. Listen to your heart and head at the end of the month, as the Mercury cazimi could bring some clarity to your current path.

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